Tejus Parikh

I'm a software engineer that writes occasionally about building software, software culture, and tech adjacent hobbies. If you want to get in touch, send me an email at [my_first_name]@tejusparikh.com.

AOP Proxy Classes in Spring and @Autowire

Posted by Tejus Parikh on January 05, 2012

This is an issue that gets me once every blue moon. Lets say that I have two classes DependencyClass and MainClass:

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Access Denied Error when using XHR PUT and DELETE

Posted by Tejus Parikh on February 08, 2012

Late one night, I was attempting to wire up a delete button on a Rails app using XHR. However, every time I attempted to make the XHR call, I saw AccessDenied in the server log and my session was un authenticated. Since it was late, I remapped it to a different URL and moved on.

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Achieving Hackmode

Posted by Tejus Parikh on February 26, 2012

If you know programmers, you know that they get into hack mode.

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SXSW: Panel on pitching startups to agencies and brands

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 11, 2012

Somebody complained that I’m not filling up the Internet with more junk about sxsw. So to rectify that, these were my thoughts on the session.

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SXSW: Data Visualization for Change

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

The amount of data available almost as an inverse relation to how actionable that information is. Proper representation is key for creating change.

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Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

This was easily the nerdiest talk I attended. The core of the talk was a very developer level view of a modern CSS rendering engine.

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Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

This talk was not that memorable. I had initially forgotten that I had attended (thank you Foursquare).

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SXSW: Interesting Companies that Had Beer

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

SXSW is full of companies looking to give beer away in exchange for them showing you their wares.

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SXSW: Kafka Didn't Have Tumblr

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

I decided to drop into an arty session since it was near where I found parking. The topic was how the digital world is shaping how designers present things in the physical world an it’s implications.

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SXSW: Real-Time Data Changes Consumption Habits

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

This session covered how access to real-time data changes consumption patterns. I know this is true, since where people check into Foursquare can change who I call to bring me back lunch.

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SXSW: Recap

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

SXSW has come and gone. Unlike all the live bloggers and active tweeters, I dropped into a social media hole and decided to just lump all my posts together from the safety and comfort of my Atlanta home.

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SXSW: Story Telling for Entrepreneurs

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

I spend most of my time writing code. Sometimes, because I’m so deep in the weeds, I find it hard to explain what I’m doing eloquently and succinctly. I was looking forward to this session in hopes that I could pick up a few tips.

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SXSW: The F1 Talk

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

My first SXSW session foreshadowed the rest of the SXSW experience.

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SXSW: The Power of Computation

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

Stephen Wolfram gave a talk on this topic. It ended up as a demo of Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha is cool, but I’ve scene it before. I felt this was a missed opportunity to talk about some of the greater purpose behind the product.

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SXSW: The Secrets of Scaling Two Sided Markets

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 13, 2012

This was by far my favorite talk.

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Introducing Scribit

Posted by Tejus Parikh on April 06, 2012

If you haven’t seen me in a while, its been because I’ve been so heads down in work. We’ve been pushing really hard over the last few weeks building out our new product Scribit. Scribit is a subscription service that gives any website access to high quality content from some of the top publishing brands.

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Testing Like the TSA

Posted by Tejus Parikh on April 11, 2012

Testing Like the TSA

David’s post perfectly describes my frustration with TDD, especially in long lived and complex projects.

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JQuery Line Ellipsis

Posted by Tejus Parikh on April 14, 2012

I’ve been using the jQuery Ellipsis plugin on a few projects. However, on my latest one, I had the need to truncate text not on fixed heights, but a set number of lines.

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Techcruch Talks about Scribit

Posted by Tejus Parikh on April 18, 2012

Techcruch Talks about Scribit

Anthony Ha from Techcrunch interviewed our President Joe Fiveash about Scribit.

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One Repo to Rule them All?

Posted by Tejus Parikh on May 21, 2012

For the longest time our projects were setup in a mostly canonical maven way. Each module was separated into multiple sub modules. Each top level module got its own source-control repository.

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Merging Multiple Git Repos into One

Posted by Tejus Parikh on May 26, 2012

In order to make life easier for our development team, we recently undertook the task of merging all of our separate application repositories into one, all inclusive repo. Logically, the previous structure looked like:

What we wanted was this structure:

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Git FAQ For (Very-Specific) SVN Users

Posted by Tejus Parikh on June 05, 2012

There are dozens of GIT guides available on the internet. However, none of them answer the exact questions that I get asked (as the resident GIT advocate) in the exact way that I would answer them.

So for the first round of questions:

Is this really better than SVN?

Yes, Git is not only different, but better than SVN. Git treats your source code as you probably do, as one coherent entity. That means operations like deletes, renames, and branches (especially branches) work seamlessly.

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Git Between Your Laptop and Desktop

Posted by Tejus Parikh on June 06, 2012

As a follow up to yesterday’s git post, I wanted to share one other Git trick.

SVN is client-server. Git is multi master. Which means that you can easily share your code between your laptop and desktop without ever touching the outside world, though you will need SSH enabled on both machines. Here’s how to do it.

On Your Desktop

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Building a Static Site in Jekyll

Posted by Tejus Parikh on June 24, 2012

I’ve been having a pretty tough week personally, so what better way to distract myself from the emotional swings than think about a redesign for my personal landing page tejusparikh.com.

The first version of tejusparikh.com was just a few html pages and some really simple css. This was great, up until I added another page to support Scribit content on my site.

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Sorting Non-Index Tables in Active Admin

Posted by Tejus Parikh on October 10, 2012

I've inherited the maintenance of some code that makes use of Active Admin. One of my first tasks is to add sorting to a table that was on a custom page. I couldn't find an idiomatic or documented way of handling this, but I think I've cobbled through a solution using a little spelunking. I'm very new to Active Admin, so in full honesty this is likely not the best solution.

The first step is to add the appropriate options to the table for:

table_for users, {:sortable => true, :class => 'index_table'} do 

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Using less.js in a Passenger nginx environment

Posted by Tejus Parikh on October 12, 2012

To achieve a cleaner separation between environments, I've taken to going beyond RVM and spinning up Ubuntu Linux VM's for each of the projects. That way, my databases, NoSQL stores, gems, and search indexes are completely separate and changes in one have no impact on the others.

While much cleaner, this approach can expose interesting quirks in the software building blocks. One of my projects makes use of Twitter Bootstrap, which is built around Less CSS. Running locally, I make use of less.js instead of relying on watchers to recompile the stylesheet.

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