Tejus Parikh

I'm a software engineer that writes occasionally about building software, software culture, and tech adjacent hobbies. If you want to get in touch, send me an email at [my_first_name]@tejusparikh.com.

Migrating a blog from Tumblr to Jekyll

Posted by Tejus Parikh on March 24, 2013

Finding the right platform for a technology blog, especially a technology blog that references code, is a challenge. Platforms like Wordpress are very configurable, but require a lot of maintenance. Hosted platforms remove the maintenance burden at the cost of configuration.

My requirements are straightforward. I want a system that:

  • requires almost no on going maintenance
  • delivers content quickly
  • is inexpensive
  • makes including well formatted code snippets easy
  • customizable
  • and easy to back up

Tumblr had a lot of these features, but it failed on customizability and code snippets. Instead I decided to move the whole thing over to Jekyll, hosted on Amazon S3 and distributed by Cloudfront.

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Using Foscam cameras to Watch the Baby

Posted by Tejus Parikh on April 06, 2013

Having a night time monitor for the baby is a must. Being able to keep any eye on the baby when you are away from home is a plus.

Many companies are ready with solutions, but getting WiFi, night vision and two-way audio from an off the shelf solution gets pricy. Spending lots of money on a proprietary base station/monitor could also mean that my investment might be useless in a few years.

Based on a recommendation from my friend amro, I opted to get cameras from Foscam and use my old and current iOS devices as the monitors.

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Cleaning up the Boilerplate in Java

Posted by Tejus Parikh on May 19, 2013

A common refrain of Developers is just how verbose the language is, especially compared to its more dynamic counterparts like Scala or Ruby. While Java cannot be made as concise as a true dynamic language, it is still possible to make the code more readable and provide clarity to the business logic.

What Makes a Language More Concise

Verbose code is possible in any language. The language’s structure, standard library and the common idioms are the limiting factors in how concise a developer can make the code. Brevity is as important as clarity.

These are some tricks that I’ve learned to help make Java less Java-like.

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Creating Rich Lists with lists.js

Posted by Tejus Parikh on July 29, 2013

Client side list management is to DHTML as logging is to AOP. Updating, filtering, sorting, and searching are frequent use cases for client-side developers building richer interfaces. What is surprising, then, is just how horribly wrong it often goes.

List.js avoids the common pitfalls of some of the more well known plugins, such as DataTables and JQuery autocomplete. It has a clean interface, simple API, and uses the markup you create, instead of injecting its own.

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Assorted Links for September 05, 2013

Posted by Tejus Parikh on September 05, 2013

Internet of Things May Leave Consumers Vulnerable to Hackers

A security flaw in webcams made by company Trendnet has caused the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to t…

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Introducing Elasticsearch

Posted by Tejus Parikh on September 28, 2013

We’ve spent a lot of time at Outbrain Select improving our search. The technology we use to power our search is Elasticsearch. I recently gave a talk at eHire’s Geek Night about the technology and some of our experiences using it. You can view the slides here.

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Unit Testing is Software's Subprime Mortgage

Posted by Tejus Parikh on November 17, 2013

Bad debt can be a noose around one's neck

I did something today that I haven’t done in a long time: I wrote an automated unit test. I loathe writing unit tests, because despite the rhetoric, I have yet to experience a dramatic increase in either velocity or code quality. Unit testing, like a sub prime mortgage, promises great returns with minimal risk and costs. The reality is very different.

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Assorted Links for December 09, 2013

Posted by Tejus Parikh on December 09, 2013

The Technology of Dreaming

“For myself I never found need of more than four or five hours’ sleep in the twenty-four. I never dre…

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