Tejus Parikh

I'm a software engineer that writes occasionally about building software, software culture, and tech adjacent hobbies. If you want to get in touch, send me an email at [my_first_name]@tejusparikh.com.

Make a product decision, reduce the size of your potential market

Posted by Tejus Parikh on January 14, 2017

Consider the following scenario, you run a small software company and a potential customer is willing to put a deposit down on a purchase which will be completed when the team builds a specific feature. Most would say that this is an obvious “yes.” Getting people to pay for your software is a notoriously hard problem.

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The (Almost) Universality of the $onInit Lifecycle Callback in AngularJS

Posted by Tejus Parikh on February 04, 2017

Far from being dead, AngularJS is incorporating new functionality that keeps it a solid alternative to the newer frameworks that have appeared. This is great news for those developers (like me!) that started using Angular in their current projects from before the 1.0 days.

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Sales is easier to measure than Engineering

Posted by Tejus Parikh on February 16, 2017

As you would expect, we talk a lot about performance management at work. I recently shared an article from Professor Beekums that talked about development measurement. My astute co-founder asked a very on point question:

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Five Data Model Mistakes Common to Startups

Posted by Tejus Parikh on May 09, 2017

It’s not surprising to come across a floundering B2B startup in the process of a significant code rewrite. New features to attract customers would appear to be the logical approach in such times, but new features may be nearly impossible to build because of basic data-model mistakes made early in the life of the company. Most developers are familiar with the convention that a bug in production is more costly than a bug in development. Likewise, poor data structures behind production data can be crippling in critical situations.

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Compiler Errors - A forgotten scourge of early developers

Posted by Tejus Parikh on August 15, 2017

I know the following statement suggests that I’ve become a cranky Gray Beard, but it’s pretty amazing how easy software engineers have it these days. Forget how easy instructional materials are to find compared to scouring library and bookstore shelves. Software engineers today benefit from full production mirrors in the cloud, forging long compile cycles, a giant library of open-source software, just to name a few.

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The Pitfalls of Meritocracy and the Presidency of Harry S. Truman

Posted by Tejus Parikh on September 20, 2017

David McCullough’s Truman was on the top of my stack this summer. I thought I knew about Harry S. Truman, but really all I knew about the United States’ 33rd President was the brief period following Roosevelt’s death and his decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan to hasten the end of WWII. On this alone Truman would stand as a notable figure in the history of our nation, yet those were not his sole accomplishments nor his only lasting legacies.

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The Rise and Fall of a Personal Cargo-Cult

Posted by Tejus Parikh on October 23, 2017

Writing good software has never been easier thanks to the other developers that have put free, high-quality libraries out on the internet. The price of free is in understanding how different libraries interact, which often do so in complicated ways leading to the creation of cargo-cults. Like the Melanesians, we do things not because we know why, but because it’s worked in the past.

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Showing the Right Data with Out-of-Order Responses in Javascript

Posted by Tejus Parikh on November 19, 2017

I recently added some advanced filtering to one of the screens in our AngularJS application. . Users could select checkboxes or values from a dropdown and the search results will automatically update. Everything worked great in development, but as soon as we pushed to our stating environment, our QA tests reported getting the incorrect results. A quick check of the network pane in Chrome showed the problem, our requests were coming back out-of-order.

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Understanding the difference between contributing and managing

Posted by Tejus Parikh on December 30, 2017

Jason Fried wrote a post a while back on being a bad manager. His observations are delivered in a stream of consciousness and cover a number of topics, some, like the need to practice, really resonated with me. Yet, there was no final answer nor fully coherent thesis, which, coming from a voice that’s never been shy about expressing opinions on how people should work, shows how difficult this topic is.

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